They're coming.
Finals. Finals are coming--
I can't decide what type of punctuation should accompany the sentence above. The normal period, exclamation point, or question mark doesn't quite feel right. And I might add emojis,'s finals. There's so much work to be done and so much riding on the looming week, and still so much to look forward to after it's over.
Whether it's due to serial procrastination, mental health breaks, or just life being crazy, it's true that I'm beginning to feel stressed, and I know I'm not alone in this feeling.
Without further ado, I'd like to pen down some tips to stay sane, happy, and productive during (the weeks leading up to) finals season.
I hate to admit it's time already.
Tips to Stay Sane during the Finals Scramble
- Take as much time as you need to take care of your mental health. Take an hour to exercise (the gym is particularly empty this time of year) to clear your mind, sit in the bookstore for a moment, or pick up a good book to get lost in and decompress. College isn't easy on the mind or wallet. It's completely understandable to take a break between studying and/or working to take care of yourself.
- Find something small that makes you happy. For me, it's making a thermos of black tea with lemon before I drive to campus, and sipping it all morning long. It's listening to a favorite playlist or podcast during my drive over. It's bringing an extra pair of fuzzy socks when they inevitably get soaked from snow.
- On that note, find playlists that help you study. I listen to a lot of themed and lofi playlists on Youtube. Some of my favorite channels are The Jazz Hop Café and oliviaalee.
- Also, know that it's okay for your work not to be your best. Sometimes it's better for everything to just be done.
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